yes 的引言:
>It looks at the way that society views prostitutes as probably the lowest form of life. But we feel that we've prostituted ourselves over the last three or four years, and we think it's the same in every walk of life.

> 一个职业妓女该怎样开始她的自我介绍?17岁那年的雨季,人面兽心的远房亲戚,还是惟利是图的老鸨?凡此种种无疑会被视为俗套,进而该职妓将被定义为一个缺乏想象力,没情趣,没前途的妓女。

好吧,很难讲 the manics 和六字乐队哪个害我更深🙃


感想是不如听小羊的 lofi

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